Not Dating? What You Can Enjoy Right Now

By Shelly Davidson

While walking through a crowd, you hear the chatter and laughter all around. You see couples walking by smiling and holding hands. You wonder to yourself, how did they meet? Did they meet at the grocery store, while during laundry or are they result of an internet dating connection?

Just about now you're wishing that you were part of a twosome. You're not alone; almost everyone has felt this way at one point or another. Along with this wish they wonder why they haven't found that special someone yet. Because that's the way things are supposed to go, right? You go to school, start a career, fall in love.

Along with that, many people even hope to get married one day and maybe have children. Perfect right? Then in an instant your plans seems to change. One thing to remember is not give up. If you keep positive and remain aggressive, it will be only a matter of time before you meet someone and have the life you want.

In the interim, it is important to try to enjoy where you are at the time. If you are single, this is the time to do all things that you would not be able to do if you where tied down and married. As a single person you can do the following things without consulting anyone:

1.You can take off at a moment's notice. Picture this; your best friend was able to get tickets for a concert that you really wanted to see. You couldn't get tickets. She's decided to surprise you and has invited you along. See? No one's feelings will get hurt if you just pick up and go.

2. You can date as many people as you like. As a single man or woman you can date a few people at a time until you make the choice to settle down with one person.

3. You don't have to share your living and sleeping space. Nor do you have to share the TV remote and no one hogs your blankets. You can please yourself with music and stay up as late as you want.

4. Accept party invitations or happy hour events at anytime without having to call to let your partner know where you are for the evening.

5. Though this will depend on your budget, you can cook or eat out as often as you'd like. Pleasing yourself also holds true for tidying up and cleaning, though I'm not suggesting you let your place become a dump.

Sure, the above points may sound selfish, but knowing what you can do when you're single will help you adjust you mindset after you become involved with someone. When you do meet someone special, chances are you won't mind so much about having to let someone know where you are and what you're doing.

It could also help you make the decision as to whether or not you are ready to date at all. Dating when with the right person can be an amazing experience, but you should try to enjoy and make the most of your single life while waiting to meet the love of your life. - 31991

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Long Distance Relationships And How To Succeed With Them

By Payo Hernandez

There are many instances of long distance relationships being successful especially with the rise in online dating however you must have realistic plans to be together and a time frame too.

If neither of you are agreeing on solid future plans then it can quickly seem as though you are wasting your time and energy on a relationship which has no realistic chance of succeeding.

The plans you make while in a long distance relationship should be realistic, honest and 100% agreed upon by both of you, after all, it's likely that neither one of you will want to continue in a relationship where Skype, MSN, telephone calls and email are your only sources of contact over a long period.

So in summary you want your plans to be agreed on by both, they should be realistic and within a time frame which can be achieved. It's extremely important.

At times your faith in the situation will be tested especially during arguments. You'll have to rely on the trust and hope you have in each other to get through it. Hope is very powerful.

Another thing about long distance relationships is the way in which you can get to know your partner, it's different from seeing each other on regular dates. With distance you are forced to talk and communicate more, you'll find out a lot more about each other and generally it's great preparation for when you will be together.

Since 90% of all communication is non verbal however there really no substitute for actually spending time with each other in real life. You could find that you can only go so far with online contact before you're no longer getting any more from it.

If you sense that something special is there then don't let distance prevent you from trying the relationship, it can and does work for others all the time. Plus no one wants to spend their life wondering 'what if' and missing out on what could have been wonderful. - 31991

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Simple Tips To Online Dating

By Judy Shannon

Online dating should be a progressive attempt to know a person. If you and an online date have been on for sometime and you feel comfortable taking the relationship to the next level, you can revert to a phone relationship for the sake of safety. Unless you feel comfortable about seeing your online date face to face, stick with emails.

You can create a wonderful online relationship with someone by sharing tidbits of your life with them either through profile updates, instant messaging or photo sharing. Chatting with your online date can bring you closer to him or her. Take advantage of every service available to you on an online dating site to improve your online relationship.

Some online dating websites are very particular about who joins their sites. You will be investigated if you join a paid online dating website to verify the information that you provide about yourself. To avoid failing at online dating, tell the truth, no matter what. Someone is bound to be attracted to you for who you are.

If you aren't the kind of person that reaches out often due to shyness, you may feel comfortable with online dating because it lets you be yourself without fear. Most shy people opt for online dating to help enhance their confidence levels. Online dating can be a good place to hone your interactive skills.

For your online relationship with any woman to succeed, you should endeavor to respect her. Respect is a universal feeling that can get any young man into the heart of any woman. Don't treat any woman you meet online like trash or else you won't get that far with her.

Without a degree of boldness, you may not be able to snag a date even online. If you view the profile of someone you like on an online dating website, send them a mail instantly. When it comes to internet dating, sometimes being the fastest in the game to respond to a profile can fetch you the man or woman of your dreams.

Date rape is an inherent danger of online dating that you should be aware of as a woman. Date rape can be avoided in online dating scene by jealously guarding your private information such as your phone number and your email address. When it comes to online dating, date rape is more prevalent among women than men.

It can be hard to strike up an intelligent conversation with a beautiful woman face to face which is one of the reasons why many men opt for online dating. Online dating is the only place where a nerd can flow in conversation with a supermodel. Online dating dispels a lot of the initial awkwardness that comes with conventional dating. - 31991

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Important Information About Online Dating

By Morgan Davis

Online dating has cut across geographical barriers as people from the world over can log in and interact with one another. Online dating has also cut across ethic and religious barriers as people from different historical backgrounds and race can socialize comfortably with one another. Thanks to the internet, dating is becoming a global success.

You don't have to be afraid of speaking to a woman in an online dating scene if you are a man. Sometimes the risk of rejection prompts some men online to wait till they are approached. In the world of online dating, I've got to tell you, the slower you are, the faster you lose the girl of your dreams.

In the conventional mode of dating, it can be exhaustive looking for a man or a woman who fits into your ideal picture of 'the one'. Online dating enables you to go through a hundred date options in a matter of a few minutes. Online dating is an excellent time saver for people who don't have the time to waste.

You should try to be courteous to any date you meet online to encourage attention, if they are what you want. Some people who are downright rude and nasty tend to drive online dates far away from them and decrease their chances of setting up a good relationship.

Online dating requires almost the same amount of work that a conventional relationship may need to survive. If you have found the person that you want online, strive to maintain contact through email or links to favorite places on the internet. On the internet, sites such as can help to keep an online relationship alive.

Online dating scams are inevitable as they are everywhere. You can avoid an online dating scam by being cautious about any offers that seem too good to be true. As a general warning, any offer that seems too good to be true when you are looking for the perfect online agency probably is.

You can afford to be extra selective in your choice of an online dating site because there are numerous sites to choose from. Be careful not to join online dating sites that try to make their member base larger than it actually is. Let your instinct be a radar that guides you to the right online dating website when you are searching for one.

If you are looking online for a life partner, try and intersperse your hunt for the perfect mate online with a little bit of fun. Don't be afraid to explore other services offered by online dating sites as this can make your search for a life partner more interesting. Chatrooms, discussion boards and activity groups are some features offered by some online dating sites. - 31991

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Wading Back Into The Dating Pool

By Astrid Engels

When you end a long term relationship it can take awhile before you decide to start dating again. Once you do so, you may need a strategy. Will you ask your friends to get you together with someone, hit the bar scene, or maybe sign up for an internet dating service?

Most people who come out of a long term relationship are not ready to start dating right away. They usually take some time away from dating to gather their thoughts. While taking a break, you might want to give some thought to how you're going to get back into the social scene.

Keep the following tips handy for such time as you're ready to get back into the dating scene;

1. Be willing to try something new so that you may meet new people at places that you perhaps excluded in the past. If you have never been to a certain venue or new neighborhood, why not take a chance and experience something new. Go to some of the political rallies, free concerts and free networking events. It is a great place to meet singles and support something that you believe in. Right away you and the person that you meet have one thing in common.

2. You have nothing to lose but a few hours by agreeing to go on a blind date. If a friend, a family member or a co-worker suggest setting you upon a blind date with this terrific guy/gal that they know, let them! Sometimes others know what you need, even if you don't.

3. Faith draws people together. No matter what your faith, consider attending religious services. You'd be surprised at the number of single people there! Instead of just attending services, become an active participant by mentoring kids, or attending a study group.

4. Put your volunteer hat on and spend some time at the local food bank or other charitable organization. Given the economic times, the less fortunate are growing in numbers. You'll meet new people and feel good about doing so.

5. If you like to take chances, frequent the personal ads on dating sites. If you happen to set up a date using this medium, make sure you meet them in a public place!

6. Go out with a group of friends or co-workers and have a good time. This can boost your confidence and people are attracted to confident people. For instance: You and a few co-workers may go out after work for Happy Hour. Note: You always seem to find something when you're not looking for it. This also applies in love.

Starting to date again is risky, but it can also be fun and adventurous. A broken heart yesterday can mean that paradise is just around the corner. You may go to a couple of wrong corners first before you get to the right one, but when you get to the right corner, it will be worth it. - 31991

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Internet Dating - Don't Forget To Have Fun

By Jayde Johanssen

All this advice about avoiding scams and predators when dating can leave you bewildered, and afraid to try it. Well, I am hear to remind you not to throw the baby out with the bath water. Its not all bad. Meeting people is not that hard and its not that scary.

So I am taking a different approach with this article. Instead of making it confusing, difficult or scary, I am hopefully going to remind you that dating should be simple and fun. That's it. So here are my top three tips for fun dating.

Tip 1. Make a plan. You need to understand two things before you can make your plan. You need to understand the kind of person you are looking for. You also need to be aware of the type of experience you are looking for with that person.

You will get a lot of advice from people when you start to go down this route. IGNORE them. They have all kinds of different and irrelevant motivations for giving you their advice. You are the only one who knows what is right for you right now though.

Listen to yourself, and be true to yourself. You'll be ok. Specific dates and relationships may not work, but this is your journey to have, they are your mistakes and successes to have, they are your experiences to learn from, laugh and cry about.

Tip 2. Having noted the type of person and experience you want, only go to dating sites which cater for those specifics. Ignore the general dating sites that attract every man and his dog, only join niche ones which attract the people you are looking for. That is, use the dating site itself to qualify your potential dates.

You don't have to go to a general dating site where it is much more hit and miss. Some examples of specific dating sites include: Adult Dating Sites for an open and steamy experience; Asian Dating Sites if you are attracted to eastern culture; Christian Dating Sites if christian values are important in your partner; Gay and Lesbian Dating Sites if you are looking for a same sex partner; Jewish Dating Sites if jewish values are important in your partner; Seniors Dating Sites if you are looking for a mature partner; Dating Sites for the Tall, for when size matters; Dating Wealthy Partners for a more sophisticated experience

3. Always be safe. There is a natural progression with online dating. You start with the dating site, then you swap emails, then phone numbers and then arrange to meet. Your first meeting should be in a public place with lots of people and maybe some friends in the background somewhere, to keep an eye on things.

Never escalate with someone that you are not yet comfortable with or don't feel safe with. This means don't give your email address or phone number to someone who hasn't won your confidence on the dating site. Following that, don't meet someone who has not made you feel comfortable when communicating by email or phone. Finally, never meet someone privately when they did not make you feel safe in the public meeting. This all sounds like common sense, but it is always harder when you are in the middle of it and getting pressured by the person on the other end, so be strong.

Once you have met someone in real life, you really should reset your expectations of them to ZERO. Pretend you never contacted them on the internet and start dating them in exactly the same way you would date someone you met in society proper.

Dating should always be fun, you are finding out about yourself and others. For greatest success though remember - Safe, Specific and Simple. - 31991

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There Is No Formula To Approach Girls

By Ai Qin Lee

If you some trouble when you approach girls you might be looking for a one size fits all plan to give you some sort of special edge. The problem is that all girls are a little different and how you approach one might be different than how you would approach another.

Some girls prefer a funny style while other girls prefer a guy who is cool. Some girls figure they'll know the right type of guy when she sees him. This makes it very difficult to put together a cookie cutter recipe for the best way to approach girls. But don't give up, because there are a few ideas that you can take with you that will make it much better.

Dignity is attractive to a girl while arrogance is not. Dignity is kind of about respect. It's about respecting yourself without disrespecting anyone else, including a girl that just turned you down.

It's a simple matter of dignity and confidence. Talk to a girl and look her in the eye. Smile at a girl and toss her a wink, even if she doesn't respond.

Her opinions are developed by her own perception of the information she has. There are all kinds of reasons that she might turn you down. Your self worth has nothing to do with whether or not you can approach girls one at a time and land dates from the first meeting.

To keep the focus on the girl, approach her with a gentle greeting followed by a compliment. Don't be cheesy about it, but be honest about why you're trying to approach her.

As you learn to approach girls and you make a few various errors, you will also learn that you can recover from a bad line or an inappropriate comment and try again. Everyone makes mistakes and you're not immune to them. Don't take it as strike, but as being one step closer to being the coolest guy ever when you approach girls now that you know what not to do. - 31991

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How To Interview Potential Russian Brides?

By Mark De Schutter

Bringing home Russian brides is becoming one of the more popular ways for many men to get married. Just because you are looking into perspective Russian brides doesn't mean that you have to compromise on the ability to connect or the ability to have a wife that you would hope for.

There are plenty of bachelors who have embarked on this journey and have discovered that they have truly fallen in love with their Russian bride before they ever take their first trip overseas.

When you start talking to the various women that are looking for marriage you might be surprised when you find several women with strong potential, great personalities, sincere desires, and great looks. The beautiful Russian women that are waiting for marriage are real women that will impress you.

If you want to find a woman that will be happy to stay at home and do all of the domestic chores while you are at work, make sure that you make that clear during the interview process. If you are looking for a woman that can go out and find work in the United States soon after her arrival, you should also make that clear. Being able to define your expectations helps to prevent situations that don't really make anyone happy.

Of course, it's going to cost you money to go and retrieve your Russian bride. You are most likely going to end up paying for just about anything and everything that will be necessary to bring her home. This is just part of the deal.

You will find out what's important to her and how she sees the world. You will also start to understand what her expectations of you as well as your country will be and whether they are realistic or if she is likely to be disappointed. Russian brides almost always know another woman that has been married to a US citizen and thus their experience is usually relative to their friend's. This can leave you being chronically compared. If you feel as though you have to spend a great deal of time correcting her assumptions of you based on her friend's experience, you might want to consider another woman.

The closer you get to finding your new Russian bride the more you will need to develop plans to cover the logistics of bringing home a new wife from across the ocean. Check with local and federal immigration offices to make sure that you and she have all of the appropriate paperwork in order and don't forget to buy her a special gift fro when you meet her in person for the first time. Covering all of your bases and remembering the ring is a big deal.

Be honest with yourself and be honest with the women you are interviewing. The more you get to know your Russian brides online the more you will know when you have selected the right woman. Take your time and make a selection that will bring you happiness for years to come. - 31991

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Flying Solo

By Cathy Svedka

Now that I've turned 34 I've started to ask myself some very difficult questions, most of which are relationship related. Things like whether or not I plan to get married or even start dating again. Am I happy in my career, do I want to have a baby; things like that. The answers I came up with have led to some changes in the way I live my life

Let me be clear about one thing though; I don't hate men. Au contraire! Men are rather exquisite works of art and I've certainly been known to have hours and hours of fun with them. But I've noticed that when I'm on my own, I'm just much happier and content. My own identity gets lost when I'm in a relationship. Something goes awry; I'm just not sure if that's down to me or the guy.

I am happy to say that I haven't always felt this way. I had my first date at the age of 17 and my first real boyfriend at the age of 20. In addition to my career, I always wanted to get married. My plans were to go to college, get a career established, meet my soul mate, get married a few years later and finally have two kids. I am delighted to say that the career portion of my life panned out well.

I've dated a strong of Mr. Wrongs over the years, leaving me to wonder if there was something wrong with me. I've tried expanding my horizons and have experimented with all kinds of ways to meet eligible guys. I've allowed my friends to arrange blind dates, I've done the club and bar scene, I attend church. I even signed up for an internet dating service and answered personal ads from the newspaper!

And even though I had a lot of fun along the way and met some really terrific people, the roller coaster ride of highs and lows was beginning to wear. Yes, youth is about having fun, but as I began to mature, that fun wasn't so much fun anymore; it was more like a noose around my neck.

Somehow adulthood snuck up on me. Given that I was busy growing my career, putting food on the table and paying the bills, it's not surprising that I really didn't notice. But there came a day when it just wasn't cute or funny when my boyfriend came home wasted. Nor was it funny when he sat across the restaurant table from me and flirted with other women.

After much though, I've decide to retire my number. This gal is going solo and grow old gracefully, if alone. Not having to share a bed has its ups and downs; no one to hog the covers, but no one to sex it up with either. I guess that's what specialty catalogues and AA batteries are for!

I feel pretty good about myself. I no longer have to worry about my guy being unfaithful or being reminded of how pretty I was when we first met. I have a full live, with a great career and wonderful friends. Besides, being single doesn't rule out an occasional steamy love affair. With that in mind, my solo days are off to a flying start, at least for now. - 31991

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How To Choose The Right Russian Brides

By Mark De Schutter

Bringing home Russian brides is becoming one of the more popular ways for many men to get married. Just because you are looking into perspective Russian brides doesn't mean that you have to compromise on the ability to connect or the ability to have a wife that you would hope for.

There are plenty of bachelors who have embarked on this journey and have discovered that they have truly fallen in love with their Russian bride before they ever take their first trip overseas.

Practicing relationship skills before you bring home a Russian bride is not a bad idea. Find out what her expectations are before you bring her home. The more you talk to her and listen to her the more you will find yourself arriving at the truth of her intentions. There is no need to pretend that the two of you aren't meeting to benefit both of you. You want a bride and she wants to come to the United States. A relationship can be mutually beneficial and still be a good relationship.

When you connect with two or three women with potential, it becomes more important to reveal a little more of your heart to help you make the right decision.

Bringing home Russian brides as an alternative to more traditional routes comes with a few general rules. For starters, immigration laws change regularly regarding this type of marriage. At the time of this writing, a wife has to stay married to her new husband for a minimum of three years in order to stay in the country upon divorce. Marriage paperwork must be legal in the US, not just in Russia.

You will find out what's important to her and how she sees the world. You will also start to understand what her expectations of you as well as your country will be and whether they are realistic or if she is likely to be disappointed. Russian brides almost always know another woman that has been married to a US citizen and thus their experience is usually relative to their friend's. This can leave you being chronically compared. If you feel as though you have to spend a great deal of time correcting her assumptions of you based on her friend's experience, you might want to consider another woman.

The closer you get to finding your new Russian bride the more you will need to develop plans to cover the logistics of bringing home a new wife from across the ocean. Check with local and federal immigration offices to make sure that you and she have all of the appropriate paperwork in order and don't forget to buy her a special gift fro when you meet her in person for the first time. Covering all of your bases and remembering the ring is a big deal.

Be honest with yourself and be honest with the women you are interviewing. The more you get to know your Russian brides online the more you will know when you have selected the right woman. Take your time and make a selection that will bring you happiness for years to come. - 31991

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Important Things To Avoid When Using Online Dating Sites

By Tony Davis

Many men and women use the internet to form new relationships. If you are the kind of person that has no time to go out and socialize, or perhaps you are simply a quiet and shy individual, then it is a good way to find potential partners. It is often seen as a safe and secure method to get to know an individual before you actually meet them. But as with any form of match making service, there are a number of things to avoid when using online dating sites.

To improve your chances of locating a suitable partner through the internet it is important not to make simple errors. You do not want to scare off any possible matches at the first opportunity.

Do not leave your profile picture blank. This may make others suspicious about you. We all like to have an image of the person we are chatting to and may meet. Very few people will arrange a date without knowing what the other person looks like. Most will not even get in contact without first seeing a picture.

Choosing the correct expressions and vocabulary is beneficial; it can help others to form a good impression of you. It is also wise to use the proper grammar and spelling as this can show that you are educated and intelligent. Also, don't use any negative phrases when describing your life, everybody prefers positive thinking people. Take time to ensure that all of these aspects are in order.

A lot of people that use online dating sites can receive more than a hundred emails a day. Take time to compose the messages you write. You need to make yours stand out from the crowd.

Don't ever lie, no matter how small. If you do you will get found out eventually. If you claim to have a salary of hundreds of thousands of dollars what will happen when you fix a meeting with the person you have been corresponding with. Also you shouldn't say that you will fly overseas to meet somebody unless you are 100 per cent certain that it is possible for you to do so. If you are already married or in a relationship then you shouldn't be using an online dating service, let alone pretending that you are single.

If you have been corresponding with an individual and they say that they no longer want to be in touch, then you should respect their wishes. There are many other people out there who you can develop a happy and long lasting relationship with. - 31991

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How To Use Online Dating To Your Advantage?

By Sarah Woods

Online dating allows people from all over the world to stay in touch and even build a strong relationship. What can be more pleasant than searching for a life partner from the comfort and privacy of your own home? Use online dating to your advantage and don't be afraid of being rejected, just give it a try!

Are you anxious or shy? Are you afraid of being rejected? Well, you don't have to worry anymore. Online dating services allow you to talk via email or IM with other people looking for their soul mate. If something goes wrong, you just have to delete your virtual partner from the contact list and move on. Of course, you might be disappointed, but this happens all the time in the real life, not only on the Internet.

First of all do some research. What are the most popular online dating websites? What do you receive as a member? Can you trust the agency? Choose an online dating service with a strong reputation and sign up. As more members it has, as higher are your changes to meet your dream partner. Keep in mind that a reliable agency offers tools that allow the avoidance of unwanted contact and monitors member's behavior.

Do you have specific preferences with regards to age, race or religion? Are you willing to get married or to find someone to hang out with? What are your expectations? Keep in mind that the possibilities offered by such services are unlimited. Another important thing you should know is that some Internet dating websites are free to sign up with, while others require a fee. Paid services are much safe, because most of them verify the identities of all subscribers. Eventually, you can choose a service offering free trials.

Sign up and focus on building your profile. Online dating allows you to be very specific about exactly who or what you're hoping to find. If you want to meet someone who has a specific job or preferences, say it. Don't waste your time talking with people who are below your expectations.

What topics can be approached when talking with someone you don't know? Well, don't discuss about sex, religion, former partners and relationships or politics. Secondly, use a polite tone and don't show that you're available. Give brief answers and try not to mention anything that could reveal your true identity. Eventually, you can use a nickname. If you notice something weird about the other, stop the conversation and start searching for a better partner.

Smile and don't lose your hope. Use online dating to your advantage and keep looking for someone who deserves you. - 31991

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Reconciling With Your Ex

By Astrid Engels

When I break up with someone, I like to pretend they don't exist for a while. This gives me adequate time to cry, gain weight, lose the weight, cry some more, curse them to hell, and eventually make peace with the bum, I mean, the lovely person who was important to me.

I know this routine isn't perfect, and it isn't for everyone. What can I say, it works for me. I get plenty of time to overcome any "I want him back" feelings because there is always a good reason why I end a relationship. I don't give up without a fight, but once the fight's been fought, I'm done.

While mulling over the reasons for the break up, some people come to realize that, for whatever reason, the break was a mistake. What they really want is to get back together with their ex-lover, which is easier said than done and is sometimes just plain impossible.

Figure out exactly why you want him or her back

Those "I want him/her back" feelings? They can be so difficult to deal with. Besides doing number on your heart, they'll also do a number on your head. You'll come up with a ton of excuses about the problems you were experiencing that led to your breakup. You need to figure out your reason(s) for wanting him back, and you need to be brutally honest when doing so. Loneliness and sadness are not good enough reasons to try reconciliation. A genuine change of heart is.

Take some cooling off time

What you need now is some cooling off time. Even if you're absolutely certain that your ex lover will welcome a reconciliation, the fact is you broke up. And that comes with all kinds of emotions; a heart hangover if you will. Knowing that you want to get back together is all well and good, but you need to take a few days or even weeks of breathing room to heal your heart. Then you'll both be able to start over with a clean slate.

Be calm

Another good reason for giving yourself some time to cool off is to give your emotions a chance to settle before you start your reconciliation talks. He or she has had time to really miss you and you want to present your best and your calmest front, not the crying, screaming weepy mess you were a few weeks ago.

When you see each other again you want to be at your best. Actually, if you want to get back together, you want to be at your super best! The sad, unhappy person you were the last time you saw each other is not who you want to be. That persona will only bring back all that break up drama.

Be ready

You also need to get ready and be prepared for any reaction from your ex. The answer might be yes, it might be no. If it's a yes, they want you back too, you need to be prepared to follow through on whatever promises you make. Whether it's quitting smoking or seeing a shrink or learning how to cook. If you're not absolutely sure about this beforehand, then don't even bring it up.

On the other hand, you also have to brace yourself for the fact that they might not be interested in going in for round two. It's always a possibility and depending on what the circumstances are, it might even be the most likely possibility. If that happens, try to stay composed. You've already made it a few weeks without them. This isn't another break-up. Don't let this re-affirmation that you really are apart break you down again. - 31991

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Practical Tips To Pick Up Women On Myspace

By Ai Qin Lee

Clubs and bars are full of beautiful women. However, you need to be daring and quite smart in order to flirt with them. By choosing to pick up women on myspace, you have access to their profile and pictures, having the possibility to know exactly what they want before approaching them.

Myspace is used by millions of people from all around the world, so you need to be special in order to draw attention. Create a colorful profile and make an accurate description. If you're not sure about what's the best to say about your work or hobbies, try to use your imagination. Being honest is extremely important. Don't write that you like archeology, if you don't know anything about Tutankhamen. However, you may write that you're interested to learn more about archeology. This will make you seem a smart guy.

As long as you're not willing to travel overseas, focus on regional rooms. Find local people and join different communities. Start searching for women who live in your area. Myspace allows you to search people by using various criteria, such as country, age, eye color, etc.

It's important to choose women who have the same interests as you. If you buy clothes once a year, it makes no sense to go out with a girl who is addicted to shopping. As I said before, honesty is essential not only on myspace, but in real life.

A nice girl receives thousands of messages every day. You won't be perceived as being special as long as you don't have something interesting to say. Writing her something like "Do you want to be my friend?" won't be helpful at all. That girl can't be your friend, because she doesn't know anything about you. It's much better to suggest her that you have a common passion or interest.

Women love to talk about themselves, so you can't be wrong by asking questions about their personality. Make them compliments and try to be perceived as a nice guy. It's not so difficult to pick up women on myspace if you apply these rules, using your imagination. - 31991

About the Author:

21 Questions To Ask A Bloke Over A Drink

By David Web

Questions are the most amazing thing that we can come up with when we want to learn about someone else.

Dale Carnegie in his best-selling book, "How to win friends and influence people" shares about the power of asking good questions to show that we are interested in someone else.

Have you ever been to a party and you've been the one asking the questions and doing most of the listening? If you have you will probably agree that the other person thought that the conversation was quite interesting - funny that! You probably did less that 20% of the speaking but you got 100% of the credit!

If you're a guy and ask a lady some great questions, you will often find yourself leap-frogging to final base, saving a lot of time trying to build rapport with her. Asking questions and really listening to what a person says is one of the most naturally flattering things you can do with anyone.

If you're a lady and want to pamper a guy's ego and make him feel good, then just ask lots of questions and then listen to the answers. You will have the guy on a string from there on!

Despite the ego-focused side of asking and listening there is a genuine side as well. Because people who're genuinely interested in someone else, are the people who are most popular and well liked. Faking interest is the worst thing you can do. And at the end of the day, if you are not a natural listener then put yourself to the test and practice. You will start to learn SO much about so many things and you will discover parts of people that are just SO interesting to learn about.

Here's 21 questions to ask a guy or girl to get conversation jump-started. They have been written from a female perspective, however just switch them around if you are a guy and want to use them. If nothing else it will get you thinking about your own questions - which are always better.

Here's 21 questions to ask a guy or a girl to get you started

1. If you're a waiter and one of your customers was rude, would you spill food accidentally on them or worst still spit in their soup?

2. What is you all time favourite film and why?

3. If you could choose to have dinner with 5 people (real of fictional) who would you invite and why?

4. If you could suddenly become the invisible man, where would you go and what would you do?

5. If someone were to make a comedy show about part of your life, which part would they script and what would be found in the script?

6. What was your fondest television character when you were a young child? What was it that you liked about them?

8. What do you regret not doing the most in your life?

8. What's the funniest experience in your whole entire life?

9. Have you ever gone on a date with someone who is so much taller or smaller than you, and if so how did you get on kissing?

10. How old were you when you had your first proper date and did you kiss them?

11. What was the worst lie you have ever told in your life? Did you get caught out?

12. If you were suddenly turned into a woman for a day, how would you spend that day?

13. If you do not like someone do you show it or pretend that you like them?

14. What's the highest priority for you when considering a partner - good looks, intelligence, sense of humor, or something else?

And now let's get a little risqu! Obviously you would have had a few drinks before asking some of these questions!

15. Have you ever had sex in a public place? If so were you seen?

16. What's the difference between making love and having sex for you and which do you prefer?

17. If you could suddenly change the age you lost your virginity, would you?

18. What are your biggest sexual turn-ons and turn-offs?

19. Were you ever unfaithful with your partner? If so did they find out and if so what did they do?

20. Has anyone ever caught you masturbating? If they did what did you do?

21. Have you ever serial sex - with one person and then been with a different person somewhere else within the same day? - 31991

About the Author:

Don't Let Facebook Ruin Your Relationship

By Astrid Engels

I have a Facebook account so I can keep in touch with friends from all over the world. Recently a friend of mine posted a You Tube video entitled "Don't Let Facebook Ruin Your Relationship". It was funny while I was viewing it but afterwards I felt just a bit sad.

The couple that was showcased ranted and raved about each other's Facebook activity and appeared to be very involved in it never mind the time of day. It kind of made me wonder if they were keeping tabs on their mate's possible involvement in internet dating!

After watching the video, it had me thinking about something. While social networking is fun and you can get back in touch with old friends and colleagues that you may have lost touch with, has it gone too far with privacy issues?

Along with this video, there have even been instances where an employee posted a rant about their boss on their social page and unfortunately the boss saw it and the person was soon dismissed from their job. So not only are people getting in trouble with their relationships, but some are getting trouble on the job and even losing their jobs.

Neither personal relationship issues nor work related issues are the fault of the networking site. Common sense plays a part in any posting you make. If you choose to flirt with someone or leave suggestive comments than you'd better be prepared for the backlash.

There are just some things that might just be better left unsaid. Perhaps the social networks can include a disclaimer or some sort of list of social networking etiquette for users. This could help people know what not to write or rant about.

The fact is that social networks are nothing more than a means of communication. Judging by the number of people that belong to them they're a very successful communication medium. But that's all they are; a means to an end.

You can network to your heart's content, but you have to remember that even though you're accessing these sites from the comfort of your own home, you should use the same social etiquette online as you do in person. Allowing your curiosity or your frustration with social networking to ruin love life is taking things a step too far. - 31991

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Discover Your Life Partner Through Free Online Dating

By Girish Jaju

You can discover your life partner through free online dating. You find friends when you are alone and feeling the acute suffering of loneliness. It is even more difficult in critical times of your life. You should not let the idea of loneliness crawl into your mind when you are amidst a tough situation. Find out a compatible soul mate through online dating and escape from the pangs of bitter life of isolation.

You will feel cheerful when you get in touch with the correct type of individual that you were looking for. You should be able to know thyself first for the friend that you desire to come in your life. Choose from a variety of individuals who seem to be close enough to be the right kind in your eyes. Free online dating solves the problem of isolated individuals who can take the advantage of free dating to end their seclusion.

You are alone but surely there comes a time in your life when you feel the urge to converse and feel the need of company. This promotes you to find out a companion and sometimes, the individual turns out to be your life partner. When feeling lonely, just take the advantage of Internet for free dating sites, where you find a wide range of profiles.

It is always preferable to confirm your own intentions and make replies to the queries from friends that you have created through online dating. When you mark aspects of common interest in a particular individual, you can begin communicating to know the person better.

Make yourself at ease with the new friendship achieved through free online dating. You have to decide whether to stretch the friendship to the culminating point or not. Listen to the advice of your inner self. If you feel comfortable and wish the company of the specific profile and wish to make the person your life partner, you are welcome to do so.

If you dream of a complete family soon and see the possibility of such endured friendship program, do go absolutely for the "dreams come true" thought. Free online dating permits you the luxury of forgetting your loneliness and admission to a new era of thriving life with cherished company of partners to lead a fresh life. - 31991

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How To Make A Cheap Date A Memorable Date

By Jayde Johanssen

Dating can be quite an expensive experience if care is not taken. To start with, it often costs you money just to put yourself in a situation where you can meet people. Joining a club or interest group, going to a bar, signing up to an online dating site, it all costs money. Then, once you have met someone, no matter what you do or where you take them, someone ends up paying. This can be an inhibitor to dating for many people, so I have written this article to give you ideas on how you can organising a "cheap date" that isn't necessarily a bad date.

One of the best pieces of advice you can take on board if you want to meet people, is to make it a part of your life. Yes we know, its often hard to say "Hi" to someone you don't know, when there is no natural impetus to communication. That's why its called an ice breaker, it is difficult. But this is also why making meeting people a part of your life is such a great piece of advice. Its difficult at the start, but once you get going it gets easier and easier to do.

So when you get out of bed tomorrow, make a point of chatting to people you usually wouldn't have. Become a conversationalist. Just make it up as you go along. Talk to everyone though, don't be picky. If you talk to everyone, you'll have so much practise ice breaking and being a conversationalist that when you see someone you are interested in, it will be very easy to start up a conversation with them that is natural and free flowing. This will hopefully will lead into a follow up conversation at a future place in time.

Meeting people in this way is totally free. The following situations are a few examples of the types of opportunities we are talking about: On the bus or train; as you walk your dog; in the supermarket; with the person having a coffee at the next table in a cafe; when you are in a queue for anything.

Once you have met someone and have agreed to see them again, your options on where to take someone are virtually limitless. Most of the dates which cost money are "old hat" anyway, so often a cheaper alternative stands out and is much more successful. A great example of this was in the movie Josh Hartnett stared in, called 40 days and 40 nights. In this movie, he simply took a girl (the girl whose heart he ended up winning (played by Shannyn Sossamon)) on a bus ride. That was his idea of the perfect first date. If you haven't seen the movie, get a copy if for no other reason than to see how successful this date was.

Here are some ideas to whet your appetite: A DVD movie marathon - you both bring a DVD or two over and cuddle up on a couch all night watching them; Go window shopping for pets, antiques, luxury cars or boats. Just leave your credit card at home; Go back to your childhood and do something you loved to, like play on the swings in a park; exercise - go for a walk at the beach, a ride in the hills, a rollerblade anywhere; make the journey the date; Combine some of the above ideas

It is really easy to meet and date people without spending a cent. You have to spend something though, so spend some time and effort instead. Its sure to end in a successful time. - 31991

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