Ya know, having really good, understanding, caring, giving, selfless, supportive boyfriends is deeply overrated. Do you know what we ladies need more of in our lives? Really terrible boyfriends.
Do you think life is just too sickly sweet and that what women need is someone who'll suck the will to live right out of them? Well, for all you do-gooders out there, here's a list to help you speed that process along;
Self-Esteem Sucker
Start by being a Self-Esteem Sucker. How? By tearing your girlfriend's confidence to shreds. Want to take things up a notch? While you're flushing her self esteem down the toilet, beef up your own at the same time.
There are numerous techniques you can use to accomplish this; no one technique is better than another as long as they accomplish the same thing. You could start by telling her that yes, those pants do make her look fat, her best friend would in fact look better in that dress than she does. And while you're at it, don't forget to mention her flawed relationship with her mother, while yours is the picture of perfection.
Drama King
What would life be without drama? Booooring!! So to do your bit, make sure you give your girlfriend a dose of drama every time she calls. And don't wait for the pleasantries to be over! Heck no, just dive right in there. She'll no doubt be fascinated to hear about how stressful your day was because you stubbed your toe getting out of bed and couldn't make it to the dry cleaner's before they closed because of the slow traffic.
Naturally this will take up a good deal of time. You'll have no time to listen to her no matter the reason she called. She's your girlfriend and she's supposed to understand that you have a life and are incredibly busy and have things to do. Dial tone.
Always Be Ready With Advice
Your poor, poor gal palwhat would she do without you? Honestly, if you weren't there to tell her how to proceed in her career, relationships and family life, well, where would she be? If she's made an unwise outfit/friend/vacation destination/meal choice, it's really best to tell her what she ought to have done instead. Otherwise, how will she learn? Oh, and a condescending tone of voice never hurts.
Bring Out Her "Party" Girl
Sure, she's your favorite bar buddy on the weekends, but hey, she should be available to go out every night. Who cares about her responsibilities? The fact that she has an early meeting or is trying to cut back on her calories so she can fit into that dress (remember Self Esteem?) is of no concern to you. Playing is the order of the day. If she turns you down (as if!) don't forget to make her feel bad about it. - 31991
Do you think life is just too sickly sweet and that what women need is someone who'll suck the will to live right out of them? Well, for all you do-gooders out there, here's a list to help you speed that process along;
Self-Esteem Sucker
Start by being a Self-Esteem Sucker. How? By tearing your girlfriend's confidence to shreds. Want to take things up a notch? While you're flushing her self esteem down the toilet, beef up your own at the same time.
There are numerous techniques you can use to accomplish this; no one technique is better than another as long as they accomplish the same thing. You could start by telling her that yes, those pants do make her look fat, her best friend would in fact look better in that dress than she does. And while you're at it, don't forget to mention her flawed relationship with her mother, while yours is the picture of perfection.
Drama King
What would life be without drama? Booooring!! So to do your bit, make sure you give your girlfriend a dose of drama every time she calls. And don't wait for the pleasantries to be over! Heck no, just dive right in there. She'll no doubt be fascinated to hear about how stressful your day was because you stubbed your toe getting out of bed and couldn't make it to the dry cleaner's before they closed because of the slow traffic.
Naturally this will take up a good deal of time. You'll have no time to listen to her no matter the reason she called. She's your girlfriend and she's supposed to understand that you have a life and are incredibly busy and have things to do. Dial tone.
Always Be Ready With Advice
Your poor, poor gal palwhat would she do without you? Honestly, if you weren't there to tell her how to proceed in her career, relationships and family life, well, where would she be? If she's made an unwise outfit/friend/vacation destination/meal choice, it's really best to tell her what she ought to have done instead. Otherwise, how will she learn? Oh, and a condescending tone of voice never hurts.
Bring Out Her "Party" Girl
Sure, she's your favorite bar buddy on the weekends, but hey, she should be available to go out every night. Who cares about her responsibilities? The fact that she has an early meeting or is trying to cut back on her calories so she can fit into that dress (remember Self Esteem?) is of no concern to you. Playing is the order of the day. If she turns you down (as if!) don't forget to make her feel bad about it. - 31991
About the Author:
This article was written by the staff of the Datepad.com internet dating company where you can find thousands of professional dating articles.